Since my career has picked up again with the start of a new school year, most of my time has been devoted to preparing to teach my classes again. I have also received a shot to help me with my allergies which is mildly helpful (at least it makes it less likely that I’ll suffocate). In the middle of all of this change, Senior Management and I made some time to skin the jPod’s outside roof.

We decided to run the 12v battery line through a 12 gauge extension cord. It is really burly and replaces our previous plan of conduit with smaller gauge wire running through it. Instead of carving out little channels in our insulation for the wiring, I chose to run the router through it with a straight bit. It worked well but made quite a mess (see updated photos on Body:Internal).
We skinned the jPod and attached the skin with glue and staples. We drove screws through the skin into the spars to hold the skin down while the glue dried. Then senior Management removed all of the screws. I trimmed the sides and it was done (see updated photos on Body: External).
Our next step is to prepare the doors and hatch for epoxy so that we can epoxy the roof, doors, and hatch at the same time.
Senior Management and I also made a change to our plans for the galley. Nathan and I figured out the amount of electricity needed to use a convection toaster oven. It is too much electricity for comfort. So, Senior Management and I purchased a Camp Chef Outdoor Camp Oven. It runs on propane and is an oven + burners. You can read more about it here.