This is part 2 of the adventure film adventures at Ocean Shores, WA. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you can read it here.
Day 2
We awoke at about 9 am but didn’t want to get out of bed. The rain landed on the roof of the trailer and the Assistant to the Senior Manager was very active & kicking in her mommy’s tummy. I was happy to stay in bed, feel the baby’s little foot against my hand, and just enjoy the morning. At some point in every camping adventure, Mother Nature make’s her call and eventually, all campers must answer. It was under these circumstances that I was finally inspired to get up and start setting up camp.
Senior Management and I made the very wise purchase of a Coleman Screen tent 2 days earlier. After getting up, we proceeded to set it up in a downpour. After an amazing breakfast of potatoes, eggs, and fruit made by Senior Management, we started to explore & meet the other tear droppers. One or two campers had already left because of the heavy rain. Slowly, we met & greeted each of the parties & shared stories. Kevin, the gathering organizer, made t-shirts for the weekend and we each donned them with pride.
I have often said that I have an obsession with teardrop trailers (Senior Management heartily agrees). Attending a gathering only pours gasoline on this flame. It was great fun.
In the afternoon, arrangements were made for a potluck at 6 pm. The campers were willing to show us their trailers & do interviews for the film. Landon slipped into pro-camera-man mode & we heard the stories of building and adventures. The experiences, world views, and philosophies of camping in this little group are a great example of the depth of the subculture of tear-droppers.
In the afternoon, we all went to the beach for a group photo and to hang out. The weather had cleared out some by that point & it was a good time to visit the beach, see the kites, and explore a little.
The beach trip was cut a little short because we had to get some food ready for the evening’s potluck. That evening, we ate more food than I thought was possible to eat. Each group made more than enough food. Much of it was made in cast iron camp cookware. We stuffed ourselves & hung out for some time.
I made camp spaghetti in the 10” Dutch Oven. It was the first time I’d made it the way I had and it was really good. I modified my recipe (see regular recipe here) to fit the ingredients which we had on hand.
The potluck was kind of broken up by some bad weather & so we retreated to our camp to clean up after the meal. Landon and I did two more interviews with teardrop families & called it a night.
As the sun set, many in our group came to tour the jPod and to hang out. It was a great end to a great day.