Building your own teardrop trailer kit is easy, fun, and makes a camping trip so much fun by adding a strong sense of accomplishment to each trip. These kits are designed to get you the key components and instructions that you need to build your own teardrop trailer while keeping it more affordable than a commercially produced trailer.
We use these parts and plans in the building of commercial teardrop trailers and kits for over 18 years.
The 5×8 teardrop Trailer Essential Parts kit is a great kit for all of the key parts of a teardrop trailer (with all of the Overland Trailer plans) but allows creative freedom for the DIY builder as they cut their own raw materials. It is our most popular teardrop trailer kit.
TOTAL Teardrop Trailer Kit – EVERYTHING you need to build your own teardrop trailer. A weld-together trailer frame, all electrical, all wood components, axle, wheels, the whole trailer shipped to you.
The Trailer frame kit is versatile and can be adapted to fit a 5×8 teardrop trailer of your design. This kit is made of quality parts and a Department of Transportation-approved design.
The teardrop trailer wiring kit is the exact set of parts that I use on teardrop trailer frames. These trailer wiring parts, when used with the included instructions and properly installed, should last longer than 10 years with minimal maintenance.